Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Miserable Mistake

Dear Reader,

With great regret I would like to inform you that I am writing again. Sadly, I have dedicated myself to living my life and writing about it on this blog. You and the other hand or claw or whatever you have, have no such obligation. You need not dedicate yourself to reading this when you could dedicate yourself to reading other blogs with a more positive view on everything and stories about a tiny man mingling with beautiful fairies. Read the following tale only if you must. 

I talked to Quila for the first time a day before what everyone considers to a very ‘happy’ day. Her birthday, that is. My status was about the race of people living in the distressing mountains at the head of our country. She happened to read that and argued over her pride. We kept talking for a while. ‘Talking for a while’ here means until my eyes went red sitting in front of the monitor. The next day I wished her even though I’ve never gotten the gist of wishing someone a ‘happy birthday’. To save you the dull details of the next few days and to save myself from uselessly writing I shall skip to the next week. We were messaging each other into the night for the past few days. I ended up, unfortunately obsessively falling in love with her. And I told her exactly that. She returned the favour with an added “but not in the other way”. If this wasn’t distraughting enough then her reason would be. Going through it informatively would be madness. So here’s it simplified. She went out with a guy, didn’t like him, broke up, liked him, patched up, he didn’t like her, broke up and the guilt of that chained her to not looking at me the ‘other’ way. 

I learned to live with the fact that she didn’t return the affection I had for her. We became very close. Very close. I made it to the important people in her life. But not important enough to satisfy me. Things went on with me in solitude. X and Sugar tried their best to convince her that I would be a great help to get her out of the guilt padlock she was in. But nice guys aren’t nice enough for the people they are nice to even though being nice is not them. 

Then the most hapless happened on New Year’s. Knave was a friend of hers and Sugar’s who kept on fighting with them in the most ungentlemanly manner very frequently. On the day she told X that he liked Quila and made him convince her to fall into his trap. Unknowingly and thinking that Knave was a wonderful guy X convinced Quila. Quila and he got into a relationship even though she didn’t like him. And mind you, all this happened when I used to like her. A few days later Knave very ungratefully asked her to choose between him and X. She chose Knave and X got to know of it. X was already miserable on his dog’s death and this made his stay in miserable land longer. Quila according to us is unfazed by this. But what we are completely sure of is that the profligate Knave is expending her. The miserable events about Quila saying evil things to Sugar have already been written about. Empathy---nah, leave it. 

Forgive me, kind reader for sharing this mind bogglingly dull and distressing story. 

With all due respect,
Esh Dec In

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