Friday, September 4, 2009

The Shrines In My Cupboard.

Dear Reader,

Due to a whole lot of indecision on my part and pressure to come up with new posts by you readers, I decided to write about all the three names my last post ended with. This decision has been reached after long hours of thinking while staring at the graffitied wall opposite of my very cushiony bed. I figured as Frank has a shrine of Billie Joe stashed in his infamous, now broken, ‘PANSY’ and Gee can’t help but referring to Green Day in his somewhat touching quotes, I’m actually doing them justice by including them in a single post. So, here it goes..

Billie Joe Armstrong! I shall let you judge him by saying something of the sort that he would say, “Fuck off! If you don’t then you’re not worth a fuck to me.”
Gerard Arthur Way is a moody bastard. He would sometimes call you his baby & order you to call him daddy or tell you to stop pissing your life off & go find a purpose to live.
Frank Iero! Hahaha! This man, if it’s safe to call him one, would go crazy on anything he lays his eyes on, your mum included, he would even hump your favorite teddy relentlessly in front of your pleading eyes.
However demented or retarded they may seem to you, they’re the least fake people you’ll ever hear of. Billie Joe IS Green Day and the other two are from the greatest comic book band to ever have walked on Earth, My Chemical Romance. Two bands which are synonymous for writing their own songs and making their own music unlike boy bands of today who have their lyrics written by half crazy ladies who come shrieking with lawsuits a year after the album release. Plus, unlike those wusses everything isn’t planned beforehand, like what they have to say on stage, the way they have to dance and the gay sex they need to have after the ending of the concert. BJ, Frank and Gee speak what they want not giving a shit about what the world thinks of their hairless chests.

Now I’ll fill you in with useless crap, which only a few will be interested in. Frank and Gerard smoke Marlboro Reds. Billie Joe Armstrong has/had a slight partial behavior towards his second wife, Mary Jane. Frank instead of a Bible keeps a copy of ‘The Cather in the Rye’ in his bedside cupboard & Gerard favorite comic book ever is ‘Watchmen by Alan Moore.’

What made them the shrines in my cupboard?
I owe Billie Joe for having taught me not to care and be myself. I learned to get up and come back stronger from Gerard. Frank made me impulsive and showed me how to not give a shit about what the world thinks of what you do.

They’ve done so much more for me other than being good teachers. Billie Joe wrote me an album called ‘American Idiot’, he just changed my nationality and name to avoid a lawsuit being thrown at him (I’m shameless.) Gerard wrote a comic book with my liking at the back of his mind which he named ‘The Umbrella Academy’. Frank did me the hugest favor; he made himself look kinda like me.
I shall repay the generosity they’ve shown towards me by fashioning my own band on them and writing things that would make their chest swell up with pride.

Thank you and all the crap I write at the end.

With All Due Respect,
Esh Dec In


Trillian said...

Best yet.

Esh Dec In said...

Thank you!

Sugar<3 said...

You fascinate me, boy.

I WOULD have come up with something cool to say to you, buuut, it would seem ...well, not enough, y'know?

Preeti said...

hahaha...i loved this...
you have this unique brand of humour that i have never come across till date. i mean there are people i know who are witty and who resort to humour which is pretty black...but you my friend, are different.
and there is this laidback, indulgent manner in which you write which is so cool.
i especially loved the last bit.
but i find it slightly difficult to understand how music and musicians could create so much change within you. to the extent that they have influenced your thought processes.

Esh Dec In said...

No, I don't know. Even small animals get fascinated by me, they stare at me as if I'm the messenger of death and shall kill them, but I'm pretty peace loving.

I have no reply to your comments. They're always kinder than what I deserve. And, I possessing even a trace of humor is news to me. Thank you!
Understand it this way, you let's say are inspired by a deity and you can't help being obsessed with it or if not by what it tries to teach you. The same way I'm obsessed with them enough to interpret their messages in a way that improve me as a person. I hope that made sense.
I'm not comfortable replying to comments, the space is too small, it kind of scares me and doesn't let me think straight.

Preeti said...

i say things as i see and feel is short and i dont believe in keeping things for later...because the later never comes..
and you, sir, deserve every single word that i've keyed.

have you ever given a thought to the individuality of your own inner spirit. i mean... look i love trip hop and the european underground scene...massive attack, bjork, tricky, talvin singh, state of bengal...etc etc..and this is music which unleashes a lot from within me...but you know my spirit is too rebellious and unmanageable. it refuses to be tamed.
but then long as we dont become blind to our own wiseness and intellect i guess influences such as these are pretty individual and at times essential...

PS: please don't stop writing.