Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thank You So Much!

Dear Reader,

I miss Violet. I miss Beatrice being my female form, but I guess I’ve changed. Sugar is just weird these days. X is stupid and irritating. Klaus, I don’t know where he’s at. Tranquil is still the coolest person I know, even though we don’t get to talk much. Edge, from Trillians blog is an amazing kid. About the rest? I don’t care.

Now to what this post is really about.

I want to thank all of my effing countrymen for getting a government of pussies back to power once again. I thank you for giving then a swell head by making them win by such a margin. Thank you, as they are now going to do as they wish without fear of any opposition. Thank you for making a puppet Prime Minister whose strings are pulled by a lady who I find difficult to call an Indian.

I’d like to ask what you saw in a government who after being attacked and humiliated by just 10 Pakis with evident aid of Pakistani military, just threw a few words here and there and then cooled down. What happened to the action that was promised? I think the fear of what the rest of the world would think of the action stopped them. It was an attacked on OUR country! Why care what they think? Anyway, if they were in our place they’d have Pakistan begging for mercy. Take the example of the US with Afghanistan and Iraq. Or of Palestine with a country as tiny as Israel. What happens now ought to be a known fact. We shall become a lapdog to the USA. But that’s a good thing, isn’t it? We all love that country more than our own already, don’t we?

The government. Ah! What a wonderful one this is. A government which let a convicted terrorist live after a verdict. Why? They feared a collapse in their vote bank of Muslims. A government which hogs all the credit for brainchildren of their predecessor. i.e. - The Golden Quadrilateral project, the Delhi Metro.

What’s the strongest argument against their predecessor? That they let a terrorist walk free in exchange for 400 lives?! What should they have done? Let those civilians be killed? It’s still better than being attacked in an important metropolitan and have close to 500 people killed.
The next argument would be that their views are based on Hindu culture too much. Let me tell you something. Hinduism is the most tolerant and compatible way of living. Plus, it was never a religion in the first place. It is now because we’ve wrongly made it one. Therefore, I see no religious divides in the Hindutva policies. And before you presume what Hindutva is, go read about it.

The NDA is undoubtedly a lot bolder and sterner that the UPA. They conducted the first ever nuclear test which caused unrest in Pakistan. Their response? Stationing the armed forces at the border to shut them up. Next, a few terrorists along with the Pakistani military infiltrate our border and station themselves on Indian soil slyly. To this, they declared war.
I doubt the self conscious UPA to have done this because they would have cared too much about what the US would say to this.
The result would have been, Kashmir in Pakistani hands and a full fledged nuclear war as our neighbors would have got plenty of time to plan an attack.

It was better off when the youth thought that they’re too cool to vote. Even though the percentage of voters was comparatively less, at least the people who voted cast their votes with calculation.
What do we have now?
People voting for the Congress because their famous leaders are young, the girls find them cute or they speak fast English.
Ah! That’s some ‘Youngistan’.

I thank you once again for helping aggravate the already pitiful state my country is in.

With all due fucking respect,
Esh Dec In

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I Need No Title.

Dear Reader,

Sorry for not being true to my word. I am writing again, not with a heavy heart, I assure you. I decided that writing is indeed a wonderful way of venting out my thoughts. Especially, when no one knows who I am. I’d be scoffed in my friend circle for all this.

If Leonardo Da Vinci and Albert Einstein were alive today, they would undoubtedly say this – “The irony is thick, war is a beastly thing we abhor, yet our minds turn constantly to its constructs.” Here is what I’d like to tell them. Your work would actually hasten the end of war. That springs from your humanity. I see no irony in your desire for peace.
Now where did that come from, you may ask? I learn from comics/graphic novels. Everyone would say and ignore comics because they have incorrect English. What do you expect from a generation whose knowledge of comics is restricted to the pathetic Archies.

Everyone thinks they are too intelligent for all their peers. ‘Everyone’ here means the age group between 15 and 25. Younger than that are allowed to live dumb and be unaware. The intelligence I was referring to stops at stupid things such as sex, who is rich, who gets to drive underage, how much alcohol you can consume before lying flat on your back and how much you know about your music. Anyone oblivious to such things is either a nerd or someone who thinks he’s too cool to care. This is what these people would call us. But, are these actually the things you want fill up the limited percentage of our brains we humans can use? Great men die, imparting their worldly wisdom and we hate them because they are material in our textbooks.

We live in a dark and violent world with treachery the most prominent feature of it. Everything we think we know is based on blind beliefs. i.e. – God, religion and how to live your life.
Who set these rules? Things we haven’t even sat and thought about. Things you would be unsure of if you actually mused over them. But, no, our life is all about ‘scoring’, we have our shortcuts (alcohol & drugs) waiting for us.
We don’t want to know what to do with our life and couldn’t care less about it. We think we’ll live it just as it comes.

Now what would people say if I wanted to change this? “Join the system, go there, make an impact.”
Truth be told, the world is already hopelessly lost. From a time where thinkers were as common as mice to a time where thinkers and thinking is as rare as the Tasmanian Devil.
Keeping up with me?
The world has a cancer. A cancer that cannot be cured. It can be put at bay, but it shall always come back. The least we can do is be the world’s chemotherapy. Delay the doom.

Think. Question. Fight.
It’s easy. Take time off petty things which race in your mind almost always. Sit down alone and think of everything you’ve ever believed in. Then, question everything that came to your mind. And then, fight it. Fight it in the form of arguments with your elders or with whoever you think would make you think. Start with this and it’ll all come along.

Sorry for being the most boring 16 year old in the world with no life at all. I’m above you yet.

With all due respect (none),
Esh Dec In